dimanche 18 mars 2012

Fun: Kids


is one of Copenhagen's major children's attractions. Here are namely the only free indoor playground in the whole region. There is plenty of room for ball games, playing in the big games center and not the least room for the formation of friendships.

The good points: 
Kids welcome to heaven!!!
You can eat with lunchbox, there is tables.
There plenty games for all, wonderfull big pirate boat, slide, mattress for jump, reading place, dolls houses, ...
Mothers, fathers, sisters, babysitters you can buy tee, coffee on the kitchen.

The bad points: 
School come at 12.oo or some others hours, sometimes many kids.


It's free place!!!! 

Special Informations:

No shoes in the area, think to take slippers in winter time.

Open hours: Mon. and Wen. : 9.30-16.30
Tue. and Thu. : 8.30-16.30
Fri. : 10.00-14.30

 Blegdamsvej 132A
(It's just after little fence of school, in the little street between school and Bindia Restaurant)
2100 København Ø
Tlf: 35 26 46 66

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